Monday, May 4, 2015

You Know You're Practicing For A Quince If

You know you're practicing for a Quince if.......
  1. You have to wear a big poofy princess dress.
  2. You have a tiara and eventually a crown on your head.
  3. You have a septer.
  4. You're planning a big surprise dance to wow your guests and family members.
  5. You have a crap ton of family coming from all over,  even the family you didn't know you had. 
  6. Your parents are working harder to get more money for preparations related to the celebration.
  7. You're trying to do anything to make the house look nicer.
  8. You're trying to find people to be a part of your court.
  9. You have to go ask random friends of your parents to be padrinos or madrinas.
  10. You have to go to a church retreat. 
  11. You have to go to church more than you used to until the time of your Quince.
  12. You're practicing in your driveway for your Quince.
This just like my family. When they go all out for a Quince they invite half of the town and then some. :P

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