Saturday, June 4, 2016

Little Sweet Things

Good morning readers, or good afternoon today I got some sweet news. Something nice and totally unexpected happened to my Erika. She is a hair stylist and she deals with different sorts of people on a daily basis. So that is nothing new for her, what was new for her is that today she had a client who was blind. A blind little boy. She was nerve wrecked she was nervous on how to do this to begin with and even more so because the boys mother said that he was difficult because he's not good with hair cuts. How Erika handled it made me proud of her. She told this little boy what she was going to do and that she could finish the hair cut quicker if that made him feel better. During the process of the hair cut she talked to him, asked him questions, told him how brave he was and how well he was doing. Which in reality he was doing excellent. It went so well that he said he wanted to return and have her do his hair cuts any time he needed a hair cut. The mom was shocked by how well everything went and by how well he was taken to Erika. Needless to say this made her day and hearing about it made mine as well. It's the little things of reassurance and making someone comfortable that made this possible.

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