Monday, March 30, 2015

Can't Sleep!

Good morning everyone if you live in the USA or in Canada and are like a normal person still sleeping, unlike me who apparently can’t. If you live across the ocean then good afternoon loves! I’m a night shift worker and its got my body all types of confused. I can’t stress how much I miss working a normal shift, I’ve been working nights now for TWO YEARS! My advice don’t work night shift unless you hate sunlight, hate sleeping, don’t want a social life and always want to feel tired. 

Anyways, so I was off work this weekend and did nothing but homework and an Easter event. That was pretty much it, I slept oh god yes I slept but not as long as I would’ve liked and not at the time I should have been sleeping at. I have school at 9am today, so in a few short hours. I have a bunch of papers to turn in and a presentation. :P I need coffee and to put my stuff together in my bag. But since I am so ADD/ADHD and can’t seem to focus on something long enough I am here writing this blog post. I was looking over my blog and guess what? 200 views! I am happy to see this, it kind of tops not being able to sleep and all the stuff I have to get done in a few short hours. Thank you guys! I seriously appreciate you guys taking the time to read my blog, this is a fairly new thing to me. I don’t usually let people see what I write because it stresses me out that they’re going to hate my writing. I love to write and dream of writing a book (I actually have a couple stories finished but am too chicken to upload them and go the Amazon self-publishing route). I only have let close friends read my stories. They are on me to get my dream accomplished. They are like my cheerleaders, cheering me on to go at it and publish. I have minor stuff to edit and I’m going to….soon. But back to what I was leading up to, so in honor of having 200 views I thought of doing something for one of you readers! Since I every now and then happen to have free time I do some art. I was thinking about making a painting for lucky reader.I will get to work on my painting and then post a picture of it when it's completed. If you are interested when you see it, email me and we can talk about how I will do the drawing of who gets it. That's all for now, I have to go drink some coffee that's strong enough to make you grow chest hair! (no I don't want chest hair just don't want to be super tired) I will check in with you all sometime soon!
sorry I had to add this in, I love Harry Potter meme's they crack me up

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