Saturday, March 28, 2015

Harry Potter

Hey everyone so one name, two words, Harry Potter...Man, I love that character. I as many of you, I grew up reading about him. He was my one reason I looked forward to going to school. My third grade teacher first started reading the story to us. When she got busy she would just put on the audio recording of it. I came to love Harry's story and his journey. I absolutely love the Harry Potter books and movies, yes the movies are not perfectly like the book, but seldom things are. When the books and movies finally ended it was like the end of an era, except that now I get to enjoy it all over again when I read and watch the movies with my younger nieces and nephews. It's like a revival when they hear about Harry Potter for the first time. I don't care what movies Daniel Radcliffe stars in, to me he will always be Harry Potter the boy who lived.

 I have a treat for you fans of Harry Potter. I want you to know that there is this charming Etsy store called, The Nerd Boutique by Marilyn Marinn. She does custom Harry Potter stuff. I love her work, for a random surprise my fiancé gave me one of her fabulous creations. He got me a Harry Potter wallet. I've had it for about a year and I love it. A bonus is that it has stayed in good condition so far. It hasn't broken down shown signs of wear and tear. It's not only Harry Potter that this girl does, she also does art work in Alice in Wonderland, Lord of the Rings, the Wizard of Oz, The Chronicles of Narnia, Game of Thrones and many more. I don't know how she does it, but I love it and I'm sure many of you fans of any of these series will as well. here is the link. Also she makes wallets, shoes, purses, and flowers you should check her out for a cute creation.

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